Ordering a Bespoke QR Stand | Working Feedback Support Hub

How do I order a bespoke QR stand?

  1. From the menu at the top of the screen, select 'Collect' and then choose 'Purchase QR stand' from the drop-down
  2. Check that your address is correct on the right-hand side. If any details are incorrect, please get in contact with us before placing your order
  3. Ensure the tick-box a quarter of the way down the page is checked, and then click 'send request'
  4. This will alert all relevant members of our team here that you have ordered a stand. This ensures your stand is ordered, packaged, posted and you are invoiced correctly and efficiently

By emailing your request for a QR stand to individual members of the team may result in your request being lost, or it may take longer to process if the correct team member is not notified.

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